techorama, deep knowledge IT conference
Oct 07 - 09 | 2024 Utrecht Netherlands

A Day of AI

Monday 09 October

09:00 - 17:00

Jeff Prosise

Unless you've lived in a cave in recent months, you've heard about ChatGPT, GPT-4, DALL-E, and other deep-learning models that elevated AI into the mainstream. Are you curious to know what they are, how they were built, how they work, and, more importantly, how to use them to infuse AI into apps and business processes? Bring your laptop and take a deep dive into AI in this hands-on workshop. Learn how to build sophisticated deep-learning models of your own with Keras and TensorFlow and how to use state-of-the-art models such as ChatGPT and CLIP to work magic in your code.


  1. An OpenAI API key. You can get one free by creating an OpenAI account at and then visiting the API Keys page at
  2. A Python 3.8 or higher environment with Jupyter Notebooks or Jupyter Lab installed and the following packages installed: 
    • scikit-learn
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • matplotlib
    • seaborn
    • requests
    • librosa
    • flask
    • tensorflow
    • transformers
    • torch
    • openai

You can install these packages using pip install commands, or you can download and install a 64-bit version of Anaconda instead ( Anaconda provides a complete Python environment and already has most of these packages installed.

If you’d prefer not to set up a Python environment, you can work most of the exercises in Google Colab ( It’s free, and it runs entirely in a browser. Yet another option if you have the Docker runtime installed is to use a preconfigured environment in a Docker container. Use the following command to start the container: docker run -it -p 8888:8888 jupyter/tensorflow-notebook:latest

Then point your browser to the URL shown in the command-prompt/terminal window.

Jeff Prosise is Chief AI Officer at Atmosera, where he helps customers infuse AI into their business processes and apps. He has written ten books and hundreds of magazine articles, trained thousands of developers at Microsoft, and spoken at some of the world's largest software conferences. His latest book, “Applied Machine Learning and AI for Engineers”, was published by O’Reilly Media in December 2022. In his spare time, he builds and flies large radio-control jets and goes out of his way to get wet in the world's best dive spots. He loves the smell of jet fuel in the morning.