techorama, deep knowledge IT conference
Oct 07 - 09 | 2024 Utrecht Netherlands

Cloud Patterns to the rescue

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As a software architect at 4DotNet I get to do a lot of greenfield projects. I like to build new stuff with cutting edge technology. Some projects however, are about migrating existing software to the cloud. In some cases, companies may have an existing website or web app. These run fine in the cloud and are easy to migrate, because most of the times you can just host that app in a cloud service as is.

The problem is that these apps don't scale well. You can scale the app up, down, in and out, but only the entire app. By the time your app goes viral, it's way too expensive to host.

We know design patterns, a lot of them are pretty useful. Using ASP.NET Core it's even hard to avoid them. Dependency Injection for example. There's also a category of design patterns for cloud solutions and some of them work really well in the above situation.


Now it's time to identify the problem and use that design patterns toolbox to solve it. Most of the time there’s a bottleneck in the app. Take a bank, for example: the functionalities for creating a new bank account, or changing the address of an account, aren't used that often.  Incoming and outgoing transactions however may challenge the hosting environment 24 hours a day. So in this case, we need to take the pressure off the transactions service.


A different example, imagine you work for an insurance company. Let’s say for health care. Here in The Netherlands, where I come from, we’re allowed to switch between health care insurances only once a year. The CEO of your insurance company decides that his customers shouldn’t be seen as numbers anymore. He wants functionality on the website that allows users to upload a profile picture. This way you attach a face to the client number. Now the problem is, that the entire country wants to change his/hers health care insurance all in the same period of time, and now they also start uploading images. A good 2019 SLR camera takes pictures of at least 25 to 30 Mb. Imagine your good old ASP service running in IIS on a VM somewhere in a random datacenter. Each request grabs (at least) 25 Mb of RAM, your service needs to process the image to a suitable size and then store it somewhere safe. Again an ideal situation to solve with a cloud pattern.


<strong>In my session ‘Cloud patterns to the Rescue’</strong>, I will show three cloud patterns, that are easy and fast to implement. I will show you how to bring the workload pressure to highly scalable native cloud solutions so you can run the rest of your services at lower cost. If you plan to break your monolith into microservices, you may want to stop by as well.



About Eduard his session at Techorama

Eduard his session is on tuesday october 1st at 4:30 pm in Room 3. Click here for more info